Establish your Brand Identity!
Print Design
From concept to print we have you covered.
Printed marketing materials are a great way to spread information about your company. Hemlock Hills can help you get started with customized postcards, brochures and any other printed material that will help to broadcast your message. Whether you are promoting an offer to new customers or simply need a brochure to place in your office, you can make a great impression with high-quality personalized designs.
View: Business Cards | Rack Cards, Brochures and Reports | Posters, Banners etc.
Business Cards
Rack Cards, Brochures and Reports
Posters, Banners etc.
What's the process?
One-on-one telephone/skype consultation
Discuss Imagery and Content
(do you need photography or stock photos?
Do you need translation services?)
Fill-out design questionnaire
With the collected information, a quote will be prepared.
2 x round of refinements to one chosen concept
1 x Final Design (printer-ready artwork)
Provide quotes for printing (if needed)